Peter Kurath
Research Professor, Professor Emeritus
(217) 333-3751
204 Talbot Laboratory
BS in Civil Engineering (Structural & Soil Mechanics)
Graduate Degrees in Theoretical & Applied Math (Materials and Mechanics)Activities and Societies: ASME, ASTM, SAE
Graduate Degrees in Theoretical & Applied Math (Materials and Mechanics)Activities and Societies: ASME, ASTM, SAE
Academic papers:
- Martin, D.A., Boron, K., Obstalecki, M., Kurath, P., Horn, G.P. (2015), “Feasibility of Knots to Reduce the Maximum Dynamic Arresting Load in Rope Systems”, Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials, 1:214-224. DOI: 10.1007/s40870-015-0015-5.
- Martin, D.A., Obstalecki, M., Kurath, P., Horn, G.P. (2014), “An approach for quantifying dynamic properties and simulated deployment loading of fire service escape rope systems”, Experimental Techniques, DOI:10.1111/ext.12073.
- Horn, G.P., Chaussidon, J., Obstalecki, M., Martin, D.A. Kurath, P., Backstrom, R.G., Kerber, S., (2013), “Evaluating Fire Service Escape Ropes at Elevated Temperatures and Fire Conditions”, Fire Technology, 51(1):153-171. DOI: 10.1007/s10694-013-0373-2.
- Horn, G., Mackin, T., and Kurath, P. (2002) “Composite Machining Damage Quantification using Thermoelastic Stress Analysis”, Polymer Composites, 23 (2), 193-200.
- Horn, G., Mackin, T., and Kurath, P. (2001) “Estimating the Residual Fatigue Lifetimes of Impact-Damaged Composites Using Thermoelastic Stress Analysis”, Polymer Composites, 22 (3), 420-431.
Technical magazine:
- G. Horn, E. Timmons, E. and P. Kurath (2007), “Escape Rope Performance at Elevated Temperatures and Under Dynamic Loads”, Fire Engineering, 160 (7), pp. 99-106.
Conference proceedings:
- Boron, K., Obstalecki, M., Kurath, P., & Horn, G. P. “Utilizing knots to reduce dynamic loads in fire service rope systems”. Paper presented at the Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, 1 433-439, 2012.
- Obstalecki, M., Chaussidon, J., Kurath, P., Horn, G. P. “Prediction of dynamic forces in fire service escape scenarios”. Paper presented at the Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, 1 179-186, 2011.
- Horn, G.P., and Kurath, P., “Failure of Firefighter Escape Rope under Dynamic Loading and Elevated Temperatures”, 2010 SEM Annual Conference and Exposition, Indianapolis, IN, June 7-10, 2010 (Society for Experimental Mechanics – SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics 2010 2, pp. 1579-1585).
- Horn, G., Kurath, P., and Mackin, T., “Estimating Fatigue Lifetimes of Damaged Composites Using Thermoelasticity”, 1999 TMS Annual Conference, San Diego, CA (Invited Paper).
- Horn, G., Mackin, T., and Kurath, P., “A New Method for Estimating Residual Fatigue Life of Impact-Damaged Polymer Matrix Composites”, 1999 SEM Annual Conference, Cincinnati, OH.
- Horn. G., Roberts, M., Kurath, P., and Mackin, T., “Quantifying Impact Damage in Polymer Composites Using TSA”, 1998 SEM Annual Conference, Houston, TX.